About Sleep Monk

Once upon a time, in the heart of South Africa, a distinguished orthopedic bed manufacturing firm emerged onto the scene. This was no ordinary company; it was Sleep Monk, a name that would soon echo across the globe as a symbol of excellence in the world of beds.

The tale of Sleep Monk began in May 2021, a month that marked the birth of a remarkable journey. From its inception, Sleep Monk set out to redefine the very essence of beds and bedding solutions. With a team of passionate individuals committed to their craft, they embarked on a mission to create not just beds, but works of art that would transform the way people slept and lived.
As the years passed, Sleep Monk quickly ascended to heights that few could have imagined. Their beds weren't just pieces of furniture; they were a testament to the craftsmanship, innovation, and dedication that defined the company. They became more than just a manufacturer; they became the custodians of dreams.
Vision To bring ground-breaking bedding solutions for all kinds of uses in the world.
Mission Our mission is to create unparalleled bedding solutions, benefiting the holistic well-being of humanity and the animal kingdom alike.
  • Respect
  • Integrity
  • Innovation
  • Creativity
  • Accountability